Prospecting is necessary and difficult.

We are running a Prospecting & Business Development™ MasterClass to help you drive growth.

A good salesperson will learn how to efficiently target and identify them, but beyond that, the truly successful salesperson will know how to effectively engage with them and remain relevant.

In this sales training workshop, we look at traditional prospecting practices and why they are no longer effective. The workshop explores emerging technologies that can make salespeople more productive, more efficiently optimize their time spent prospecting, and suggest prospecting methods and strategies for making the prospecting and business development process more customer-centric, and therefore more appropriate for today’s professional salesperson.

After completing this workshop, participants will:

  • Learn how to develop and execute a Prospecting and Business Development Plan that will help them build their pipeline to optimum strength and achieve quarterly/yearly quota.
  • Allow them to supplement the number of leads produced for them by Marketing.
  • Learn how to calculate how many leads they will need on a weekly/monthly basis, based on their close rate, to achieve quota.
  • Learn the steps to develop a prospecting and business development plan: Planning, Preparation, and Execution
  • Learn how to use InsideView for Sales to:
    • Build targeted prospect lists
    • Identify Key Players within targeted organizations
    • Use “triggering events” to engage with those key players during their time of greatest need
  • Understand the importance of messaging, timing and frequency.
  • Know how to develop messaging that resonates with their prospects.
  • Learn how to use prospecting methods in non-traditional ways in order to increase their effectiveness.
  • Develop a multi-touch email series that works.
  • Learn how to combine minimally effective prospecting methods, use them in parallel to engage with senior executives – “Thunder and Lightning.”
  • Learn how to exploit the power of referrals using LinkedIn to reach the executives they are targeting.
  • Learn how and when to use “Request a Meeting” to engage with your prospect.
  • Leave the work session with a day-by-day, step-by-step, Twenty (20) Company Prospecting Plan.

We would love you and your team to join us.

For some organisations this will be a chance to drive sales prior to the end of the financial year.  Others are booking in now for the July program to hit FY 17 with a strong pipeline.

You can read more about the program HERE and book in.