Destined’s Top 3 Pardot Spring ‘20 Release features

2020 is going to be another busy year for Pardot with 6 releases planned. The latest is the Spring ‘20 release which went live on the 17th February 2020. Pardot’s new features usually get rolled-out over a duration of time, so look out for any notifications in your Pardot in the next few weeks alerting  you to new features that are ready for enablement. 

In 2020 Pardot is focusing on making data visible to enhance Sales and Marketing collaboration. There is also a strong focus on Account-based Marketing (ABM). ABM has been around for sometime but we are seeing more and more B2B businesses making ABM a key part of their growth strategies.  It’s great to see Pardot standing out in this space. 

Here are Destined’s top 3 features from the Spring ‘20 Release.

  1. Explore Engagement History Data on Leads and Contacts

A previous release added Engagement History dashboards for the Accounts and Campaign object and this has proved to be a hugely popular feature to our clients. Now in Spring ‘20 the Engagement History data can be embedded  on the lead and contact records to see customers’ engagement activities. This means that your Sales teams will be able to drill in to specific assets or activities on these dashboards. Read more on this feature here.

2. View account engagement from campaign records

This is a great feature that will answer some Pardot users prayers when it comes to seeing which Accounts are engaging with Campaigns. You can now add in a widget to the campaign object that shows which accounts are engaging the most with assets associated to a particular campaign. 

This data will be based on the leads and contacts associated to your campaign as Campaign Members. You don’t need to do anything once you have enabled this feature, the chart will be automatically added. Read more on this feature here. This feature is fantastic if using ABM to grow your wallet share with existing accounts. 

This feature release goes hand in hand with another release.  New related lists that make connections between accounts and campaigns. You will be able to see which accounts are related to Campaigns when viewing the Campaign Object and which Campaigns are related to the Account when viewing the Account Object. 

3. Prospect and Engagement Activities on List Emails

This release does a great job of surfacing up the list email data into Salesforce. Gone are the days of having Sales come up to Marketing to ask for the list email send stats. Over the past few releases, Pardot has made big steps towards increasing the visibility of marketing assets that  we manage in Pardot (forms, emails, landing pages, campaigns) into Salesforce records. Thanks to Connected Campaigns and Pardot Asset sync, you can display who engaged with List Emails and Sales can see the open and click rates. 

Other release features that are worth mentioning:

Products  / Features being retired:

If you need any help with understanding or enabling any of the new features, please contact us

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